"You can take the fat off a man's body, but you can't take the fat out of his head."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rip It Energy Fuel

I'm a fan of energy drinks, primarily the ones that don't have any calories. I also like pre-workout drinks. I don't usually buy either of them, though, because they're generally too expensive. But if they're free...I'm in.

My mother was in town last weekend and we found ourselves at the Dollar Tree to get a smiley face balloon for my daughter. While roaming the store I happened to come across a diet energy drink for - shocker - a dollar.

Now if you know anything about energy drinks you know this is a damn good price for a 16 oz. can. Under normal circumstances you're lucky to find a good one for $2.00. Well, I decided to take a chance - since Mom was buying. We bought a can of each flavor, Power and Citrus X.

I drank the Power during my chest/back workout last Sunday. I really liked the taste and felt it gave me plenty of additional energy. The only downside of drinking it during the workout is the carbonation it has caused me to burp quite a bit. But still...I liked it.

I consumed the Citrus X during my leg workout on Wednesday. It tasted better than I expected, but I didn't like it as much as Power. The taste reminded me of Sunkist soda. The carbonation actually seemed heavier than in Power, causing me to burp even more during my visit to the gym. Still not a bad energy drink, in my opinion.

If I get around to it, I'll probably stop by Dollar Tree again sometime soon and purchase a few cans to have on reserve in the fridge for those tough-to-get-going morning workouts.


1 comment:

  1. I love energy drinks, but I also find them quite scary... It's a fine line (for me!) between getting a good buzz from them and having them make me feel nauseous!
