"You can take the fat off a man's body, but you can't take the fat out of his head."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Peanut Butter Problems (PBP)

Much to my dismay, my Peanut Delight Natural Peanut Butter has been missing from the shelves at Aldi for the past several weeks. I've had to resort to alternatives. I've survived just fine with these other versions, but there's something about not having my "baby". I'm told it's not unusual for things to disappear from Aldi's shelves for extended periods of time. All I can do is hope it returns.

What's really perplexing is I thought for sure I was helping keep Peanut Delight in business all by myself.


  1. Not that it's any consolation, but our local Aldi has completely disappeared! Went there a couple of weeks ago after a few weeks' absence (it's a couple of towns away) and the place was empty and the windows whited out... :o(

    Hope your peanut butter returns soon!

  2. Not having Aldi at all would be WORSE than not having my PB. That's too bad, Patsy.... :(
